Getting Started

Deploy on Wasmer Edge

You have an application you want to deploy on Wasmer Edge? You’re in the right place!

Welcome to wasmer deploy. For most languages and frameworks, you can deploy your app from zero, with the following steps:

Install Wasmer

Click here for instructions on how to install Wasmer if you haven't done it already!

Create an account

You can create an account directly via wasmer login or via the Wasmer website: (opens in a new tab)

Run wasmer deploy

The wasmer deploy command will make sure that everything is in place for you to deploy your app: it will guide you through the creation of the app and its deployment if doesn't exist, or to redeploy after it changes.

The deploy command is a one-stop-shop for multiple functionalities needed to deploy apps on Wasmer Edge. To learn more about the commands available in the CLI to manage your Wasmer Edge apps, refer to the dedicated CLI page!