

Specifying a region may help on the overall latency of your app.

If you locate the app close to the database that your app is consuming, you'll reduce the latency of your app, improving the perceived performance of the app for your user.

We have created the db-latency app to showcase how using regions can improve performance for your app: https://db-latency.wasmer.app/ (opens in a new tab)

Right now, this are the regions that you can use Wasmer Edge in (by default apps are available in all regions):

  • United States
    • Ashburn, Virginia (US East): us-ashburn
    • Hillsboro, Oregon (US West): us-hillsboro
    • Los Angeles, California (US West): us-socal1
  • Germany
    • Falkenstein: de-falkenstein
  • Japan
    • Tokyo: jp-tokyo
  • Australia
    • Sydney: au-sydney
  • China
    • Hongkong: hk-hongkong
  • Brazil
    • Sao Paolo: br-saopaolo

You can specify the region of your app using the locality.regions setting in your app.yaml.